am‑cor Kit Pricing

What's included? How to estimate pricing & construction costs for putting up & finishing out your am‑cor Prefab Ferrocement Kit

Let's talk Pricing

Want to know how much your am-cor Kit will cost? While each project is different, our prices start at:

  • Residential: $14,750 (starting at 250 sq.ft.)
  • Area Rate: $59/sq.ft. avg. base rate (updated 2023-08)

Price estimates are in US Dollars, and are the same for mortgages.

And yes, you can apply for loans to finance your am-cor prefab home. We are happy to assist with your bank's procedures thanks to our decades worth of knowledge in the industry.


Here we cov­er: es­tim­at­ing con­struc­tion costs. Our goal is to keep things simple, but also give you enough know­ledge to com­pare apples to apples!

TCHC: Total Con­struc­tion Hard Cost

If you use an am‑cor Fer­ro­ce­ment Kit to con­struct your build­ing, you will save money and time:

  • Con­struct­ing your shell: as­sem­bling your found­a­tion, walls, roof, and so on
  • Pour­ing your floor slabs
  • Put­ting in in­su­la­tion
  • In­stalling ser­vices (elec­tric­al, plumb­ing, HVAC, etc.)
  • No re­quire­ment for sprink­ler sys­tems
  • Over­all sched­ule & man­age­ment
  • And more!

You won't ne­ces­sar­ily save time/money on things like in­stalling fancy kit­chen coun­ter­tops, or site­works. To keep things simple, we like to talk about Total Con­struc­tion Hard Cost (TCHC).


  • TCHC = $$ re­quired for con­struct­ing your build­ing on a pre­pared site, so you can get a Cer­ti­fic­ate of Oc­cu­pancy (CO)

Total Con­struc­tion Hard Cost: Hard cost of con­struct­ing a fin­ished build­ing. In­cludes ma­ter­i­al & labor for con­struc­tion and en­clos­ure of the build­ing shell: found­a­tions, struc­ture, fin­ishes, ser­vices, in­su­la­tion, ba­sic trim, fix­tures and cab­in­etry. Does not in­clude costs in­dir­ec­tly as­so­ci­ated with con­struc­tion of the build­ing, such as: site­works, con­tract­or over­heads, util­ity hook­ups, taxes, per­mits, fees, etc.

Gen­er­al Es­tim­ates

The table be­low gives ap­prox­im­ate, es­tim­ated and av­er­age Total Con­struc­tion Hard Costs for am-cor con­struc­tion of vari­ous build­ing types in the USA.
TCHC Es­tim­ates
  Con­struc­tion Man­age­ment Type
  one-off (con­trac­ted) mul­tiple (con­trac­ted) one-off (DIY)
Last Up­dated 2021-06
Build­ing Type
res­id­en­tial (single fam­ily) $120/sq.ft $105/sq.ft $85/sq.ft
res­id­en­tial (multi fam­ily) $105/sq.ft $95/sq.ft  
com­mer­cial (built-out) $85/sq.ft $75/sq.ft  
open com­mer­cial
(warm & dark)
$65/sq.ft $55/sq.ft  
open in­dus­tri­al $55/sq.ft.    

NB: The TCHC es­tim­ates above in­clude the am-cor Kit. They are na­tion­al (USA) av­er­ages—us­ing RS Means data as a basis—of dif­fer­ent designs & spe­cif­ic­a­tions in dif­fer­ent re­gions, us­ing dif­fer­ent con­tract­ors, based on fig­ures from our pro­ject his­tory. They usu­ally lag ac­tu­al site costs by at least 12 months, can vary greatly de­pend­ing on loc­a­tion, pro­ject design & spe­cif­ic­a­tion, loc­al site & labor con­di­tions, and are meant as in­form­at­ive es­tim­ates only. Your costs may be high­er or lower, de­pend­ing on your design, quant­ity, spe­cif­ic­a­tion, re­gion­al labor & ma­ter­i­al rates, choice of con­tract­ors, DIY level aka "sweat equity", etc.

To get a rough es­tim­ate of the TCHC for your pro­ject us­ing the am-cor Sys­tem, use this gen­er­al for­mula:

  • [Floor plan area] x [# of floors] x TCHC rate = TCHC Es­tim­ate

For ex­ample, let's say you hire a con­tract­or to build the earth-bermed 1-story, 1150 sq.ft.  Solar Arcade 1BR , with a very ba­sic spe­cif­ic­a­tion: just enough to get a Cer­ti­fic­ate of Oc­cu­pancy so you can move in to your home.

Let's use the for­mula above:

  • [ 1150 sq.ft. ] x [ 1 floor ] x  [$120/sq.ft ] x [ 8% ex­tra for ex­cav­a­tion & wa­ter­proof­ing ] = $149,040


So, your con­trac­ted and earth-bermed am-cor home, us­ing stand­ard mid-range in­teri­or fin­ishes, is es­tim­ated to have a Total Con­struc­tion Hard Cost of US $149,040.

👉  If you de­cide to Do-It-Yourself, you can save much more by man­aging and do­ing your own labor. We've seen cli­ents save around 50% of the build­er's price, by DIY­ing most or all of their pro­ject!

This in­cludes cost of sub­con­tract­ors to per­form ex­cav­a­tion, con­crete ground floor slab, and ser­vice in­stall­a­tions.  This es­tim­ate does not in­clude site­works or pro­ject over­head costs.  It is a na­tion­al av­er­age, and may be high­er or lower, de­pend­ing on your site loc­a­tion.

If you're out­side the USA, the es­tim­ates above won't ap­ply to you (your sav­ings may be even great­er).

It's tough in the con­struc­tion in­dustry to com­pare apples with apples: num­bers can vary dra­mat­ic­ally, de­pend­ing on what's in­cluded and what's not. Please contact us, and we'll help es­tim­ate con­struc­tion in your re­gion.


We can help you with gen­er­al budget­ing for your pro­ject. Please provide, via email or snail mail:

  1. Your con­tact in­form­a­tion
  2. Gen­er­al pro­ject over­view
  3. Num­ber of units, es­tim­ated con­struc­tion date
  4. Di­men­sioned sketches or draw­ings
  5. Any oth­er in­fo; e.g.: en­vir­on­ment­al or green ma­ter­i­al con­cerns

Then we'll send you an in­ter­act­ive Budget sheet, so you can get an idea of your TCHC.

If you are in­ter­es­ted in us­ing, modi­fy­ing, or cre­at­ing an ar­chi­tec­tur­al design to turn in­to an am-cor Kit, please check out our Designs section.


Price es­tim­ates is­sued are FOB Culpeper, VA, USA (ship­ping not in­cluded) and in US Dol­lars ($).

am-cor inc. can ar­range ship­ping as a cour­tesy to the cus­tom­er.

Es­tim­ates for Standard Kits and Custom Kits vary with the design type, struc­ture, and re­gion of each pro­ject. All fig­ures are ap­prox­im­ate, time-sens­it­ive, and non-bind­ing. Factors that ef­fect cost in­clude:

  • Loc­al labor and ma­ter­i­als
  • Choice of in­teri­or fin­ishes, in­su­la­tion, etc.
  • Cost of trans­port­a­tion
  • Site is­sues (ac­cess­ib­il­ity, drain­age, slope, loc­al or­din­ances, etc.),
  • Fluc­tu­at­ing raw ma­ter­i­al costs, etc.
Kit Contents de­scribes what's in­cluded in your am-cor Kit.