Extreme Affordability
Energy Technology
We believe the am-cor System can help build the infrastructure and promote integration of renewable energy technology into our homes, offices, warehouses, and schools. Research & development and sustained improvements to the am-cor System will promote solutions to the worldwide realities of rapid population growth, resource scarcity, and climate change.
Environmental Sustainability
Building construction contributes about 30% of man's total Carbon footprint on Earth. Heating and cooling buildings emits about 40% of the total greenhouse gases produced by Man. These factors make building design and construction material choices extremely important. The am-cor System is composed of the strongest and most durable building materials: steel and concrete. This is important for disaster resistance and long building life-cycle. am-cor structural geometry provides greater strength than standard reinforced concrete using 70% less material, REDUCING THE CONSTRUCTION CARBON FOOTPRINT BY ABOUT 70%. Use of the am-cor Passiv Haus thermal break & super insulation program can save about 90% of heating/cooling cost, REDUCING OCCUPANCY FOOTPRINT BY ABOUT 80%. Global use of the am-cor System would provide affordable safe habitation in coastal areas as well as lower man's overall Carbon footprint. Structural geometry, material choice, and building design are keys to a sustainable future for construction.
Human Health & Safety
Modern building construction & maintenance methods incorporate numerous carcinogens and poisonous substances, such as plastics, glues, sealers, pesticides, etc. Additional VOC's migrate from building materials into the atmosphere and interiors where people live and breathe. Pest & termite treatments and other preservation methods spread deadly chemicals in our homes, community buildings, and offices. Potential affects of this toxic mix include: increased autism in children, raised allergic reactions, endocrine & reproductive organ damage, genetic deterioration, and long term risk of cancer. The am-cor Unified Steel & Cement Construction System uses only mineral materials to create healthy building shells; am-cor materials are non-toxic, free from out-gassing, totally inert, and completely healthy, providing a safer, healthier, environment & future.