am‑cor Commercial

Commercial Prefab Kits save time & labor, lower costs & risk. Ferrocement makes: strong & secure, fire & disaster-proof Offices, Retail, Wineries, Restaurants


The pat­en­ted am-cor Sys­tem is ideal for me­di­um span, mid-rise com­mer­cial build­ings, and can also be used to cre­ate high-rise build­ings. Our unique amcorite Ferrocement struc­tur­al stucco skin & en­gin­eer­ing al­lows code-com­pli­ant & green built space to be con­struc­ted quickly, ef­fi­ciently, and in­ex­pens­ively:

  • Safe, Se­cure, Healthy: earth­quake, storm, fire-res­ist­ant con­struc­tion ma­ter­i­als only
  • Save 15-20% over stand­ard build­ing con­struc­tion costs
  • Com­plete in 2/3 time of stand­ard con­struc­tion due to pre­fab­ric­a­tion & preen­gin­eer­ing
  • Save 10% an­nu­ally on stand­ard build­ing op­er­a­tion costs
  • In­her­ently Sus­tain­able: less ma­ter­i­al = ap­prox­im­ately 40% smal­ler Car­bon foot­print

De­ve­lopers & Con­tract­ors

If you're a De­ve­loper or Con­tract­or in­ter­es­ted in the cost & time sav­ings of con­struct­ing one or more build­ings with the am-cor Sys­tem, please see our Professional section.

Re­tail & Of­fice

The am-cor Sys­tem is the an ex­tremely flex­ible pre-en­gin­eered build­ing sys­tem. As a de­sign­er, con­tract­or, or de­ve­loper, you can eco­nom­ic­ally form al­most any build­ing shape and plan con­fig­ur­a­tion. Due to pre­fab­ric­a­tion & preen­gin­eer­ing, the am-cor Sys­tem not only dra­mat­ic­ally lowers con­struc­tion labor, but also lowers fa­cil­ity main­ten­ance costs over the am-cor build­ing's ex­tremely long life­time due to Fer­ro­ce­ment's dur­ab­il­ity & re­si­li­en­cy.

Edu­ca­tion­al & Com­mu­nity

Dur­ab­il­ity, beauty, fire res­ist­ance, and healthy IEQ (In­door En­vir­on­ment­al Qual­ity) are all im­port­ant qual­it­ies of the am-cor Sys­tem that make am-cor Day Care Cen­ters, Hos­pit­als, Schools, Clin­ics, and Churches safe places to be, and safe havens dur­ing dis­as­ters.

Hos­pit­al­ity & Res­taur­ants

The am-cor Sys­tem is ideal for the de­mand­ing main­ten­ance re­quire­ments of the hos­pit­al­ity & ser­vice in­dus­tries. This is es­pe­cially im­port­ant in sea­side en­vir­on­ments, as the spe­cial amcorite Ferrocement used to coat am-cor gal­van­ized steel frames does not de­teri­or­ate with ex­pos­ure to salt wa­ter, moist air, and strong sun­shine.

For ex­ample, am-cor Trop­ic­al Vil­las and ho­tels have with­stood the test of time in Carib­bean sea­side re­sort areas, sub­ject to hur­ricanes and earth­quakes without dam­age or de­teri­or­a­tion.

Ready to build?

Have a ques­tion? You can contact us, see fin­ished and un­der con­struc­tion build­ings in our project galleries, and get star­ted plan­ning your pro­ject in the Build It section.

The Sys­tem

The am-cor Sys­tem is the world's first com­pre­hens­ive pre-en­gin­eered, pre­fab­ric­ated, pan­el­ized con­struc­tion sys­tem. Each am-cor Pre­fab Kit provides the en­tire struc­ture of a build­ing:

  • Found­a­tions & foot­ers,
  • Columns & beams,
  • Roofs, over­hangs, sloped sur­faces,
  • Walls & par­ti­tions,
  • Rail­ings & stairs,
  • Floors, bal­conies and bay win­dows.

These struc­tur­al ele­ments are uni­fied & in­teg­rated to­geth­er by the amcorite Ferrocement skin, which forms a single unibody shell. The com­pleted struc­ture is strong enough to en­dure hur­ricanes, storm surges, and earth­quakes, and is also fire, ver­min, in­sect, termite, mold, mil­dew, fungus, and rot res­ist­ant. For more in­form­a­tion on the am-cor Sys­tem, see our System Overview.