am‑cor ExoStructures

Quickly & cost-effectively rehabilitate, insulate, weatherize existing & damaged buildings – while using & living in them!

How To Save Ex­ist­ing Struc­tures

am-cor Exo­Struc­tures re­hab­il­it­ate & strengthen ex­ist­ing or dam­aged con­crete block, cast, brick or wood struc­tures:

  • Dis­as­ter-res­ist­ant Ferrocement struc­tur­al re­in­for­cing
  • Fast, easy, in­ex­pens­ive in­stall­a­tion
  • Struc­tur­al Ren­voation: Con­ceals, re­in­forces, and works around ex­ist­ing struc­tur­al is­sues
  • Beau­ti­ful: weath­er-res­ist­ant fin­ishes & sur­faces
  • In­teg­rated superinsulation, va­por bar­ri­ers, and ad­di­tion­al room for ser­vices
  • Works with any ex­ist­ing struc­ture: met­al, con­crete, ma­sonry, wood, etc.

And most im­port­antly: since am-cor Exo­Struc­tures are placed on the out­side/ex­ter­i­oryou can use your build­ing dur­ing their con­struc­tion!

Before (post-fire)
After (with am-cor ExoStructure)

How Does It Work?


Exo­Struc­tures quickly wrap an in­su­lated, EMP-res­ist­ant, weath­er-res­ist­ant, struc­tur­al shell around an ex­ist­ing build­ing, us­ing the am‑cor System.


  1. Site Prep: Trench around & clean ex­ist­ing con­crete struc­ture
  2. Place: am‑cor car­bon steel mesh pan­els on foot­er & fasten to ex­ist­ing struc­ture
  3. Op­tion: In­stall ad­di­tion­al ser­vices & su­per­insu­la­tion (va­por bar­ri­er)
  4. Weath­er­ize: Ap­ply am­cor­ite (Fer­ro­ce­ment stucco) = seam­less, unibody struc­tur­al shell
  5. Com­ple­tion: Ap­ply fin­ish sur­face (brick tile, sid­ing, stucco); Back­fill & Land­scape


  1. am-cor Exo­Struc­tures use the am-cor Sys­tem’s Ferrocement unibody struc­tur­al con­struc­tion tech­no­logy to quickly and in­ex­pens­ively fix & re­hab­il­it­ate ex­ist­ing or dam­aged con­crete block, cast, brick or wood struc­tures.
  2. am-cor Exo­struc­tures add flex­ib­il­ity, by adding ad­di­tion­al cav­ity wall space for new ser­vices, and en­ergy sav­ings, by earth-tem­per­ing & su­per­insu­lat­ing the ex­ist­ing struc­ture.
  3. am-cor Exo­struc­tures al­low you to use your build­ing dur­ing their con­struc­tion – you can live or work as nor­mal!
Fasten steel panels to existing structure with aerogel thermal breaks
Cast galvanized steel panels in footing extension
Spray foam insulation & vapor barrier to existing structure
Cover superinsulation with amcorite Ferrocement structural skin
Ready for finish surfaces (brick, tile, stucco, siding, etc.)