How the am-cor System can help protect from wildfires
After the early 2025 Hollywood brushfires, American interest in fireproofing their homes skyrocketed. This highly publicized natural disaster caused more than $250 billion in damage, and affected nearly 18,000 homes and structures. The hot and dry Santa Ana winds sweep from the arid hills of Southern California into the Los Angeles basin containing many densely packed neighborhoods. The extremely dry vegetation there provides a prime setting for wildfires. Once these fires ignite, the strong winds blow embers, which light more fires, hastening the blaze’s overall spread. Only in 2008, did Los Angeles implement strict Chapter 7a building rules regarding fire resistant building requirements for new construction in these zones. Many older structures with low fire resistance exist among new construction, increasing the chance of their conflagration and thus the spread of embers to other at-risk structures.
The need for fire resistant construction in high-risk fire zones has always existed. The United States scores within the top 11 highest fire risk areas in the world including: Canada, Brazil and Central South America, Australia, South-central and Eastern areas of Russia into Northeast China, Central Africa, Southwestern Europe and many island countries of Eastern Asia. The need for residential, commercial and industrial structures that can withstand extreme conditions such as wildfires has always existed, but public interest in fireproof construction only recently skyrocketed.
With many Americans requiring immediate, affordable housing, and other entrepreneurial types interested in creating carbon neutral, self-sufficient, natural disaster resistant home fortifications, fireproof prefab homes have become increasingly popular. Fireproof homes prioritize fire resistant building materials such as concrete, brick, tempered glass and stucco, especially for their roof and exterior. The am-cor pre-fab Ferrocement building kits use amcorite™, a proprietary Ferrocement admixture, which is a type of fire resistant cement or stucco over a steel structural form. This gives the patented technology a two to four hour code-compliant fire resistance.* Some building materials such as concrete and polymer mixes outgas pockets of air when under high stress or heat changes, leading to small holes that compromise the material’s structural integrity. AmcoriteTM technology doesn’t outgas releasing trapped gasses or dangerous Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) when under high pressure or temperature stressors.
Compared to other fire resistant building systems, such as Insulated Concrete Form (IFC) walls, the am-cor Prefab Ferrocement kits provide an integrated structure connecting the building foundation to the walls via footers and seamless wall to roof attachment. Class A fire resistant roofing material such as shingles, Ferrocement and standing seam enamel metal can be included in your kit if specified. This building technology decreases leaks in the building envelope, often found at these junctures, thus further increasing the building’s fire resistance.
For a quarter century the Central Virginia based company am-cor inc. has provided Prefab Ferrocement building kits to meet the building needs of projects from residential tiny homes to commercial applications and more. These prefab kits include lightweight framing panels that fit together like lego blocks allowing for quick & easy installation, including DIY-friendly and detailed kit assembly instructions, tutorials and frequently asked questions on their website. Included with each Kit is access to am-cor experts or the option of quick construction under the supervision of the contractor of your choice.
If you need quick, affordable construction of a fire-resistant house an am-cor Kit may be the solution for you. Most construction projects begin in early spring as the weather begins to warm. This means that the costs of building materials increase and availability of contractors or laborers becomes scarce. You have the ability to design a project specific for your needs, consistent and affordable pricing brings the project within your reach and our Ferrocement Prefab Building Kits ship directly to your site, ready for immediate assembly.
*The am-cor fire-resistance rating is IBC (International Business Code) Compliant with building materials equivalent to the fire resistance hours. Application of amcorite™ to one surface of an am-cor panel provides a 2-hour fire resistance rating, while application to both sides of the prefab panels give a 4-hour fire resistance rating.