Special Ferrocement Applications

Special Ferrocement Applications include military, low-cost, shipping, containment, exostructures, outsulation, environmental communities, and more


Remote bases, clinics, containment Remote bases, clinics, containment

The am-cor Ferrocement System has a num­ber of spe­cial­ized con­struc­tion ap­plic­a­tions:


  • Pre­fab­ric­ated Ferrocement mod­u­lar build­ings (med­ic­al, quar­ant­ine, guard, safe rooms, re­mote bases, etc.)
  • Mil­it­ary grade: Port­able, quickly de­ploy­able, bal­list­ic res­ist­ant pan­el­ized Building Kits
  • Built-in EMP res­ist­ance: am-cor struc­tures with Fer­ro­ce­ment roofs cre­ate a whole-build­ing Faraday cage
  • Ra­dio­act­iv­ity res­ist­ant ship­ping con­tain­ers, ware­houses, and de­pots, for nuc­le­ar waste trans­port, stor­age, and dis­pos­al
  • am-cor ExoStructures provide in­teg­rated superinsulation and re­hab­il­it­a­tion and res­tor­a­tion of ex­ist­ing build­ings
  • Green, planned and self-sus­tain­ing Environmental Community de­vel­op­ments
  • Com­ing Soon! The For­ti­fied Home Series: sur­viv­al, un­der­ground, bal­list­ic res­ist­ant Home Kits

Want to know if a Fer­ro­ce­ment Kit can ful­fill your needs? Please contact us for more in­form­a­tion.